Saturday, December 4, 2010

Glacier National Park, a shared wilderness of Montana and Canada.

The light of early morning illuminates to top of these mountains in the warm colors of sunrise.  Later in the day the scenery changes continuously until the darkest skies of night are illuminated with millions of stars.

 Glaciers are accessible and on the slopes near them are Big Horn Sheep resting in the sunlight and Marmots,constantly running, playing and grooming each other.

 Fields of snow and ice surround the mountains at this altitude all through summer.  We walked across much of this until we were quite winded and not having the proper shoes on, our feet were cold.  Wanted to get another mile in and a few hundred feet up to actual glaciers was time for warm, cozy and some soup back in the MH.

 Amazing how some things blend in up here.  Flowers and insects we have never seen before.
 Miles of views, each turn of the road had me wanting to stop and see or explore something else.  Each day up here is a blessing and a wonder.
 Fields of flowers along a road or up in a meadow are often just a bit different from the last field of blooms.
 In these colder climates moss seemed to grow on everything and most sides of it.  Ferns, fungus and well, it was a biologists wonderworld.
 Deep canyons and roaring streams and rapids were often only a few feet left or right of the road, but MAYBE A THOUSAND FEET BELOW!  Drive carefully!!!
 To access this lake we had to drive up what I would have called a cliff, but there was actually a road going UP.  We took our time and the lake was incredibly beautiful.  We were lucky with weather and often the skies would open for us and give us the gift a photo needs.

 Walking around the lake, we had to detour through some marshy areas normally in shade.  In there were pools of clear water with undeterminable age and though shallow, reflected the life above and the record of life before.

It's hard to photograph large things without some perspective.  I often use the motor home to aid me here, but in this shot, .................well, it's kind of like....You had to be there!

(clicking on photos will often give you more detail,  /click on them Twice and you get still larger ones)

 and waterfalls were now common and you see those trees up there?  Well, they are really BIG and that clue gives you an idea of the size of this waterfall.

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