Every inch of Colorado is mind expanding. The state is absolutely beautiful.
Thankfully, much of the oldest remains of 'man's' building efforts remain this day. This quickly sets the mindset for time and place, along with the timeless beauty of God's work.
I first fell in love with it back in the mid 60's,
There is an artist in the St. Pete,Clearwater/Tampa area of Florida who is known for this type of metal sculpture....made from old automobile chrome parts. Wonder if he did these magnificent pieces?
Back for the 4th time since then, we are now doing it in a motorhome and still loving every minuted.
Crested Butte is and has been sort of a tourist spot and it has very limited growth due to land trust and other issues. A quick meal at a local hole int the wall and a drive down a number of her historic streets set the tone for a relaxed day.
The pair of sculptures were extraordinarily life like!
From here, we started a drive up and around what is known as the Gunnison Loop. It's a Scenic Byway(google it) of America and the first 27 miles of it from Crested Butte, is on 'primitive roads'.
That means rocks/gravel-but quite well maintained. We did have to drive slow, as I did not want to shake the MH into a box of toothpicks!
Prior to Crested Butte, by 5o miles or so, we ran across an old car rally. There was quite a mix of vehicles and even though I thought I knew many of them, having been in the auto repair/custom/renovation of collectibles business when I was younger, did not know this one! It's a 1951 Muntz; a car manufacturer in California that as others, did not make it. Not to be forgotten, the Chevrolet Corvette also came out in 1953 and Ford and others were showing prototypes at car shows..so the market leaders had advantages.
The beauty of this "loop" in South Central Colorado, as well as each and every other American Scenic Byway we've been lucky enough to travel, has been so incredible in places, that we could not stop feeling over
There was no way to take "THE" picture, that would explain it to others and found ourselves taking hundreds of photos each day.