Inside the Cab-Over, front left of front window.

After I got our new/used!/Class C Tioga Motor Home, home; I started to look carefully. Yes, I knew upon seeing what I bought, that I had been screwed, but after a plane trip from West Florida to Philly, I was not about to tell my gal that the dream was dead. We enjoyed that which was good and kept it that way all the way to our front door.
The truth was, the motorhomes cab over was rotten!
The 'total dream' will be realized, as has been so true to my life, by my efforts, not smarts. It will take a bit longer....again.

Front drivers side(left) and front of cab over. Crack in outer fiberglass panel had been siliconed as well as the corner moldings on each side.
Not hard to see, is the evidence of a WHITE panel around the front window, instead of the Original multicolored paper. The water damage, even after the apparent-past attempt at a fix, shows the persistance of poor quality construction from the get go.
Rot in the 3/4" base to the sleeping area. this is in the aft corner of the right side of the cab over.
It's hard to make an egg a helmet. I'm going to try to make this baby better, but understand that there is only so far one can go

Right front. Evidence of water and rot.
Mold and rot is evident all around the lower section of the Cab Over. There is a slight (1" maybe) droop, to the sides overall. Half inch to each side from center.

This is not a critical thing and can be lived with. The window has to come out and I believe I will redo this MH without a window, as I believe it is a weak link. Side windows seem to be fine. but will see when I get deeper into this project. I'm not married to any aspect and while I want to make this MH solid for years to come, I'm not going to re-invent any wheels.
.Inside of lower front window. Note that this interior panel had already been replaced once!
Hope the initial photos show the problem and direction of future efforts.