Added 3 grades of Window Tint to our 24' Class C.
Drivers Side: Before
The driver and passenger windows were done in the street legal tint. I believe that was 25%. (that is the amount of light allowed through the glass to the interior.)
Rear and Passenger Side: Before..Of course we are in Florida now and the sun is intense, but the view available with large windows added too much heat from sunlight.
The middle of the motor home contains the dinning nook window on drivers side and 3 windows, one for the single seat behind the passenger seat, door and slider at the galley. In this mid-section I opted for darker 15% film, to keep the heat down inside but not create an interior that I felt might get too dark.
The last 3 photos show Window Tint Installed.
The aft end windows, as well as the 2 small windows in the "cab over section", were given the darkest film, the 'Limo Tint -- 5% film'.
This is for the large windows beside and behind the double bed and the small window in the head/shower area.
From the outside, all but the driver and passenger widows look black.
After researching the materials, I decided to just hire someone to do the job and I'm glad I took this route. The young gentleman was extremely careful, neat and courteous. He did a wonderful job, was done in about 4.5 hours and charged $250 for materials and labor.
Found him in a Yellow Pages search on Google and also had him do our patio and bedroom doors in the condo.
Aft end is private and not nearly as hot as before... It's still Florida, but now the interior is bearable.
The level of heat intrusion has dropped dramatically, not to mention the added privacy during the day. Close blinds in the evening or when lights are on for privacy.